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Exact Event Manager

Exact Event Manager is a business activity monitoring, alerting and automation tool. It helps reduce costs, increase staff productivity and improve customer service and yielding higher overall revenue.

With Exact Event Manager, you can outline specific business events within your company data that need monitoring. If the event occurs, or passes, it can trigger multiple responses, such as sending an email, pager message or even generating reports.

Benefits Derived from Exact Event Manager include:

  • Eliminate manual tasks and human error
  • Generate early awareness and detection of problems
  • Align individual actions to priorities
  • Provide immediate and accurate information to key personnel
  • Ensure real-time inventory management, order tracking and billing
  • Increase focus on revenue priorities and cost reduction initiatives
  • Improve management and efficiency throughout your organization

Exact Event Manager becomes your early warning system and your first line of defense against the rapidly changing business environment inherent in today’s global economy. By being proactive, rather than reactive, you can improve efficiency and response time, minimize errors and provide key decision-makers with immediate real-time information.

Exact Event Manager is prepackaged with EventPacks, active alert system, that work with some of the most popular applications on the market today, allowing you to select from a library of pre-defined events that can be tailored to fit your business. Events can be copied and modified for quick and easy utilization, or crafted from the ground up to be specific to your business.

Here are a couple of examples of the alerts that you can have for your business.

  • Sales – Need to identify prospects who need follow-up? With Exact Event manager and alert can be sent to the prospects salesperson and initiate a workflow to ensure that prospects are contacted in a timely manner and close more sales!
  • Finance – Want to email an invoice to your customer? With Exact Event Manager it’s a simple process to automatically send an emailed invoice whenever a new order is processed. That way you’ll be paid faster!
  • Operations – Automatically notify sales of potential promotional opportunities to move out slow-moving inventory items. Move poorly turning inventory into cash.
  • Customer Service – Notify customers of impending warranty & maintenance expiration’s and create more satisfied customers.

Event Manager Allows You To:

  • Build triggers to generate alerts across your entire IT infrastructure
  • Manage customer accounts and instigate dialog
  • Automate your sales force and supply chain initiatives
  • Renew employee benefit renewals without the need for HR intervention
  • Generate alerts for risk management by establishing deadline notifications of past due contracts, invoices and deliveries
  • Prevent production bottlenecks
  • Manage budgets, supplier project bids and binding service estimates
  • Automate email invoices and inventory tracking
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